In Memory of





Condolence From: Patty Smith Perry
Condolence: Dear Eva, Jean, Nancy, Matthew and Family, I have many happy memories of cheerleading with Patty during our high school years. We also enjoyed ice skating, sliding on Bunker hill and church activities. She was outgoing and a friend to all. Although I lost touch with Patty, I often think of the happy times that we shared with friends while growing up. May you find peace and comfort in your loss. Love, Patty Smith Perry
Saturday April 23, 2011
Condolence From: Karen Allan Sadler
Condolence: Please accept my sincere condolences during your time of loss.
Tuesday April 19, 2011
Condolence From: linny and ellie libby
Condolence: I am very sorry for the family's loss. Patty was a very good friend.
Saturday April 16, 2011
Condolence From: laura/mike barnes
Condolence: our heart felt sympathy goes out to her family.patty was the greatest person we have ever met.loved listening to her stories about teaching/and traveling. she so loved the beach.she is going to be so missed by us and all she ever came in contact with
Thursday April 14, 2011
Condolence From: Denise Heavin LaGasse
Condolence: My deepest sympathy to Patty's family. Patty was a wonderful teacher in the Lincoln school system. I have very fond memories of her as a teacher (hoped so much that I had her for a teacher as many kids wished she had gotten her) and was so glad that 20 years later she was able to teach my son. My son had the utmost respect for her and she taught him many skills he will carry on and was such a positive teacher for him. She will be sadly missed by many, may you find comfort knowing that she will live on in a much better place. Prayers are with you all.
Tuesday April 12, 2011
Condolence From: Betty Bickford
Condolence: Patty was indeed a gifted person in many ways. I knew her best in her capacity of teacher. Her school children loved her as they knew she loved them. Please accept my sincere condolences on your loss.
Monday April 11, 2011
Condolence From: Randi Youells
Condolence: Hi, Jean--We saw in this morning's paper that your sister had passed on. Although we did not know your sister, it is obvious from what we read that she was a lovely woman committed to children and education who died too young We know that the loss of a beloved sister is a sad and lonely event in one's life. I am sure you are flooded with memories but are comforted by the fact that the memories are good ones--childhood in Maine, a life well lived and sisters who loved each other even as they walked different paths. Spring seems to be finally arriving in Maine today after a winter that was too long, too dark and too cold. As I listen to the birds greet the warmish morning, you and Susan are in our thoughts. Just as the climatological winter turns to spring,the winters of our lives eventually pass and morning comes again. Randi Youells and Frank Gerry
Monday April 11, 2011
Condolence From: Carol Marino
Condolence: We have many wonderful and funny stories of Patty. The Chia Pet Christmas stories will forever be told. I have heard many people say "when my kids were in school, Mrs. Crocker was who we wanted for a teacher." My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Monday April 11, 2011
Condolence From: Kevin Douglas
Condolence: Dear family,I am sorry for your loss. May each of you find comfort in knowing that God is "near to those that are broken at heart; And those who are crushed in spirit he saves." (Psalms 43;18)
Monday April 11, 2011
Condolence From: Angela Stanley
Condolence: Heartfelt condolences to all of Patty's family. She was a beautiful person who touched so many lives. I didn't have her for a teacher but was thrilled when our classes combined to do a play in the 4th grade. She used beet juice for the red frosting on the cake in one of the scenes and was quite amused after she caught some of the boys behind the scenes eating it! She always encouraged her students to be all they could be and my son learned so much from her. I know he is a better writer thanks to her insight in recognizing his talents and helping him develop his skills. Lincoln was fortunate to have her here as a teacher for all those years. Love and prayers to you all and may you find peace in knowing that she lives on in a better place.
Monday April 11, 2011
Condolence From: Donna Welch
Condolence: So sorry to have heard of Patty's unexpected passing from a family member today. My prayers are with you, Matt, and with all who loved and knew her for the smiling treasure of a teacher that she was. I recall her Christmas House Tour and a beautiful trip she planned for my late husband and me. Prayers and sympathy. Donna and Bill Welch
Monday April 11, 2011
Condolence From: Brian and Debra McIntyre
Condolence: Our deepest condolences to Patty's family. She was a wonderful teacher with a heart of gold. She was there for our daughter during a time she needed a caring teacher the most. She went well above what she had to as a teacher, caring deeply for the children she taught. Her kindness is forever embedded in our hearts. Patty will be sadly missed by our family. Love and prayers sent to you during this time of loss.
Monday April 11, 2011
Condolence From: John and Dawn Taylor
Condolence: We were both so sorry to see the news of Patty's passing. Patty was a beautiful person, so outgoing and so fun. We visited her in Lincoln years ago and had a really good time. Our hearts go out to you Eva, Jean and Nancy. Our prayers and thoughts are with you as well as with Matthew. She will be missed by many. Love, John and Dawn
Monday April 11, 2011
Condolence From: Phyllis Aiken
Condolence: Patty was my friend. She was a very gifted teacher and salesperson. She had an imagination that just wouldn't quit! And couldn't she whip up words to a tune that we, on the spot, had to sing!! I will miss my friend but I am so happy that she is at peace now. My thoughts are with you folks that she has left behind in her journey to....wherever she is now. Probably she has settled in Cancun!
Monday April 11, 2011
Condolence From: Connie House
Condolence: To Matt and family: I knew Patty as a great friend and I also saw the other side of her as a caring teacher. I will miss her and I know that she is smiling down on us today. Love you, Pat-Pat.
Monday April 11, 2011
Condolence From: Judy (Thomas) Lawson
Condolence: Dear Eva, Jean and Nancy: I am so sorry to learn of Patty's passing. You all are in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult and sad time. Please accept my heart felt condolences. With deepest sympathy, Judy
Monday April 11, 2011
Condolence From: Carter Heath
Condolence: I was so blessed to have known this special lady. She was so generous, kind, caring, energetic, remarkable, and wonderful to work for @ the travel agency. She also was my mentor when I became a teacher myself. I will never forget her, and all that she did for others, myself included. She was an awesome cook, and love to entertain in her home, and it was always done with a touch of elegance! As we both loved music, I thought of some lyrics from my favorite Broadway show..."Because I knew you, I have been changed for GOOD!" You blessed my life, my dear PATTY, my friend, mentor, and "boss!" My deepest sympathy, peace, prayer, and love reach out to her family. God Bless you all! Carter
Monday April 11, 2011
Condolence From: Laurie Merritt
Condolence: To All~ I knew Patty as "Mrs. Fish" and I am grateful for her as a teacher. Just yesterday I was praying for Patty as I know she's had some struggles in the past. She was on my mind and I was praying for peace and for so many other kids to have a great teacher like I did when I was in Ella P. Burr in 4th grade. My husband died of alcoholism 2 years ago,and the lesson I learned is that "God's answers are wiser than our prayers"...Although a HARD lesson, God has GREAT plans for Patty. And the hundreds of lives she's touched during her short life on earth is unbelieveable, she will NEVER be forgotten. My deepest sympathy to all who knew her, especially her family.
Monday April 11, 2011
Condolence From: Chery (Bubar) Kervin
Condolence: My condolances to Patty's family. I was Patty's roommate during our sophmore year at UMPI. I haven't seen Patty since the summer after our Junior year but when I heard of her passing it felt like only yesterday that we were in our dorm room eating popcorn and sharing the events of our day. Patty was the great organizer. She insisted that we celebrate all birthdays including those, like myself who had a summer birthday. I see from other posts on this message board that Patty accomplished many of her goals that she talked about in our years at UMPI. I will always remember her. God bless and comfort you.
Monday April 11, 2011
Condolence From: jennie keene
Condolence: I'm so sorry to hear of Patty's passing. My heartfelt sympathy to the family..
Sunday April 10, 2011
Condolence From: Carrie McKay
Condolence: Dear Matthew,Eva,Jean, Susan, Nancy, Glenn and Sara, Please accept my sincere sympathy to you all. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I have many special memories of Patty, from our childhood and know that she's with God now. My love to you all... Carrie Jim, Christina and Jamie
Sunday April 10, 2011
Condolence From: Lisa DeMuro
Condolence: You are all in my thoughts and prayers. Lisa
Sunday April 10, 2011